MCIGICM 10pcs Breadboard 830 Point Solderless Prototype PCB Board Kit Protoboard MB-102 for Arduino DIY Electronics kit
♦️ 10pcs large breadboard,
♦️ mb-102 ,
♦️ 830 point prototype breadboard.
♦️ Solderless breadboard in breadboard kit
Advantages: easy to fixed breadboard jumper wires, easy to use breadboard holder,
♦️ suitable to pi breadboard kit.
♦️ The breadboard is made of ABS plastic,
♦️ each row and columns has corresponding letters and numbers,
♦️ reduce the mistake handling .
Breadboard 830 is a solderless (plug-in) breadboard with 830 connection tie-points (i.e. 830 wire insertion holes).
Solderless breadboard are great for building and testing new circuits because breadboard jumper wires can be easily inserted and removed.
They are completely re-usable. The BB830 has a 630 tie-point IC-circuit area plus four 50 tie-point power rails.
The housing is made of white ABS plastic, with a printed legend giving numbers and letters for columns and rows,2-sided peelable adhesive tape .
The internal contacts are phosphor bronze with a plated nickel finish.
Be used for arduino breadboard .
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